Selected Publications
Assortment Planning for Recommendations at Checkout under Inventory Constraints. Mathematics of Operations Research.
2023. .
2023. Non-Stationary Reinforcement Learning: The Blessing of (More) Optimism. Management Science.
2023. Offline Planning and Online Learning under Recovering Rewards. Management Science.
2023. Online Matching with Bayesian Rewards. Operations Research.
2023. Stochastic Multi-armed Bandits: Optimal Trade-off among Optimality, Consistency, and Tail Risk. NeurIPS 2023 Spotlight (top 3%).
2023. Bandits atop Reinforcement Learning: Tackling Online Inventory Models with Cyclic Demands. Management Science.
2022. Calibrating Sales Forecast in a Pandemic Using Competitive Online Non-Parametric Regression. Management Science.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Design and Analysis of Switchback Experiments. Management Science.
2022. Estimating and Exploiting the Impact of Photo Layout: A Structural Approach. Management Science.
2022. Learning Mixed Multinomial Logits with Provable Guarantees. NeurIPS 2022.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Phase Transitions in Bandits with Switching Constraints. Management Science.
2022. A Simple and Optimal Policy Design with Safety against Heavy-tailed Risk for Multi-armed Bandits. NeurIPS 2022.
2022. .
2022. Trading Safety Stock for Service Response Time in Inventory Positioning. Production and Operations Management. (Special Issue in celebration of POMs 30 years)
2022. Bypassing the Monster: A Faster and Simpler Optimal Algorithm for Contextual Bandits under Realizability. Mathematics of Operations Research.
2021. Data-Driven Approximation Schemes for Joint Pricing and Inventory Control Models. Management Science.
2021. Distributionally Robust Linear and Discrete Optimization with Marginals. Operations Research.
2021. .
2021. Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Fixed Ordering Cost and Incomplete Demand Information. Management Science.
2021. .
2021. Inventory Balancing with Online Learning. Management Science.
2021. .
2021. Offline Pricing and Demand Learning with Censored Data. Management Science.
2021. Online Learning and Optimization for Revenue Management Problems with Add-on Discounts. Management Science.
2021. Online Pricing with Offline Data: Phase Transition and Inverse Square Law. Management Science.
2021. Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Personalized Pricing with Demand Learning. Management Science.
2021. Dynamic Pricing (and Assortment) under a Static Calendar. Management Science.
2020. Hedging the Drift: Learning to Optimize under Non-Stationarity. Management Science—Special Issue on Data-Driven Prescriptive Analytics.
2020. Multi-Modal Dynamic Pricing. Management Science.
2020. .
2020. Shrinking the Upper Confidence Bound: A Dynamic Product Selection Problem for Urban Warehouses. Management Science.
2020. A Statistical Learning Approach to Personalization in Revenue Management. Management Science.
2020. Algorithms for Online Matching, Assortment, and Pricing with Tight Weight-Dependent Competitive Ratios. Operations Research.
2019. Designing Response Supply Chain against Bioattacks. Operations Research.
2019. Dynamic Learning and Pricing with Model Misspecification. Management Science.
2019. Learning to Optimize under Non-Stationarity. AISTATS 2019.
2019. .
2019. Sampling-based Approximation Schemes for Capacitated Stochastic Inventory Control Models. Mathematics of Operations Research.
2019. Disruption Risk Mitigation in Supply Chains - The Risk Exposure Index Revisited. Operations Research.
2018. Drivers of Product Expiration in Consumer-Packaged Goods Retailing. Management Science.
2018. Increasing Supply Chain Robustness Through Process Flexibility and Inventory. Production and Operations Management. 27(8)
2018. The Lingering of Gradients: How to Reuse Gradients Over Time. NeurIPS 2018. (31)
2018. Online Network Revenue Management using Thompson Sampling. Operations Research. 66(6)
2018. Dynamic Pricing and Demand Learning with Limited Price Experimentation. Operations Research. 65(6)
2017. Uplift Modeling with Multiple Treatments and General Response Types. SIAM Data Mining 2017.
2017. Analytics for an Online Retailer: Demand Forecasting and Price Optimization. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 18(1)
2016. Analyzing Process Flexibility: A Distribution-free Approach with Partial Expectations.. Operations Research Letters. 44(3)
2016. Identifying Risks and Mitigating Disruptions in the Automotive Supply Chain. Interfaces. 45(5)
2015. Analyzing Scrip Systems. Operations Research . 62(3)
2014. From Superstorms to Factory Fires: Managing Unpredictable Supply Chain Disruptions. Harvard Business Review.
2014. Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 28(4)
2014. Worst-case Analysis of Process Flexibility Designs. Operations Research. 63(1)
2014. A Game Theoretic Model of International Influenza Vaccination Coordination. Management Science. 52
2013. Robust Stochastic Lot-Sizing by Means of Histograms. Production and Operations Management. 22
2013. Supplier-Buyer Negotiation Games: Equilibrium Conditions and Supply Chain Efficiency. Production and Operations Management. 22
2013. Approximating the Nonlinear Newsvendor and Single-Item Stochastic Lot-sizing Problems When Data Is Given by an Oracle. Operations Research. 60
2012. Understanding the Performance of the Long Chain and Sparse Designs in Process Flexibility. Operations Research. 60
2012. Optimal Market-Making with Risk Aversion. Operations Research.
2011. Sourcing Flexiility, Spot Trading and Procurement Contract Structure. Operations Research. 59
2011. Stock Repurchase with an Adaptive Reservation Price: A Study of the Greedy Policy. Operations Research Letters. 29
2010. Competition in the Supply Option Market.. Operations Research. 57
2009. A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Single-item Stochastic Lot-sizing Problems with Discrete Demand. Mathematics of Operations Research. 34
2009. Supply Chain Coordination and Influenza Vaccination. Operations Research. 56
2008. Risk Aversion in Inventory Management. Operations Research. 55
2007. Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Continuous Review Model. Operations Research Letters. 36
2006. Inventory Placement in Acyclic Supply Chain Networks. Operations Research Letters. 36
2006. .
2006. Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Finite Horizon Case. Operations Research. 52
2004. Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Infinite Horizon Case. Mathematics of Operations Research. 29
2004. The Impact of Exponential Smoothing Forecasts on the Bullwhip Effect. Naval Research Logistics. 47
2000. .
2000. On the Effectiveness of Set Covering Formulations for the Vehicle Routing Problem. Operations Research. 45
1997. The New Generation of Vehicle Routing Research: Robust Algorithms Addressing Uncertainty. Operations Research. 44
1996. Probabilistic Analysis and Practical Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. Operations Research. 44
1996. A Location Based Heuristic for General Routing Problems. Operations Research. 43